Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Since this journey has started, I have been consuming either orally or by injections just a few things. I was reading a surrogacy blog the other day and the lady mentioned that she did a cleanse type thing before her transfer date.  I knew Nicole has a friend who would have valuable information on this so I asked if she wanted to find out if there was anything I should be doing or taking to aide in this process.  She suggested going in the direction of a paleo diet, taking cod liver oil, probiotics, eating protein every two hours and trying out  sour kraut and/or kombucha in place of one of the probiotics each day.  I had to make sure that the cod liver oil was a capsul because if you know me at all, you know I don't eat anything that lives in the water!  Nicole reassured me that it was a supplement.  Thank goodness!  I'm willing to take supplements and even told her I would try the sour kraut and kombucha, but I wasn't making any promises. Sweet Nicole made a special delivery to me last week so I could do a taste test.   I tried both the kumbucha and sour kraut and failed miserably.  We even took a video to get my reaction. Let's just say I will be sticking to the probiotics.  All of this had me thinking about all the stuff I have been taking to prepare for this little baby!  It's kinda crazy!  I will do what I can, within my means, to make this work. Man, I want this to work!

A peak at my delivery from last week.
And the injection kit!
And, a look at my sharps container so far!

Here's a list of things I have been taking and what they are for. I've learned so much already through this process! 

Birth Control Pills (Daily for six weeks, done with that now) these were taken to regulate my cycle.
Antibiotics (7 days-Check)
6 prenatal vitamins (Daily)
Lupron Injections (in my stomach administered by me, daily) Lupron basically shuts down my hormonal system and puts everything to sleep so that the Dr can take over.  Graduated from this last night!
Estrogen Injections (twice a week administered by the lovely Tina and Betty) Estrogen fluffs everything back up and prepares my body to accept the embryo.
Cod liver oil (twice a day) Great for inflamation
Probiotics (twice a day) Starting today.  Nervous because this one is supposedly the worst!
Baby Aspirin (Daily)

 I still seem to be tolerating all of this pretty well. Some close to me may say I am a little more sensitive than normal (who knew that was possible?) :) Tears have snuck up on me unexpectedly, for example, during a wounded vet commercial, in the middle of Hobby Lobby reading a Bible verse, at a parent meeting at the school last night when someone mentioned limited space for reading groups, at my Dr.'s appointment on Monday when Macie told the doctor that Jesus lives in her heart...Other than that,  I've had a couple of headaches here and there but that's about it. The injections aren't painful and things really just seem to be moving right along! 

Thank you for your support. Your prayers. Your encouragement. Thank you to those who have checked in on me. I know this is a new process for most of us and not something you see or hear about every day. It's so exciting to me and I love to talk about it so don't be shy. :)  I am looking forward to the next couple of weeks and praying that God is going to be glorified in this process.


  1. Just reading this made me tear up, so.. <3

  2. covering you in prayer! SOOOO excited for God's miracles!!!!

    1. Thank you Emily! We really appreciate the prayers!

  3. The sour kraut was a bust, huh?! LOL I love sour kraut, but I know that's not very typical. :). My grandmother made the best kraut, I wish you could try hers! You'd be hooked then.

    I'm praying so hard that all of this prep work will pay off in the best possible way!! You are such a remarkable person for doing this, and a true gift to this world!! So thankful for you, dear friend!! <3

  4. Hi, I have just read your blog as we are doing a research for a documentary - any possibility I could get in touch with you via e-mail? many thanks!
